Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Great Debate

Ever since I moved to Missouri, (and even while I was back in Kentucky) most Christians I meet always seem to ask me the big question.... What is my opinion on calvanism. I always seem to get asked this question. It never fails. I can't go a week now without someone saying something about it to me. They always seem to tell me why they are or are not a calvanist and why people who are or are not calvanists are going to hell. And I'm going to use this space to tell everyone my opinion on it now.

I don't care!!!

Don't tell me your a calvanist and why you are. Because I don't give a rip. I honestly don't right now. Nor have I cared about who is a calvinist. Because it alwyas ends up being some stupid debate on how many points I am, and how many points they are.  Honestly, it's just stupid. We always seem to have some dumb debate between christians about theology when there are bigger issues out there right now. I love Jesus, and if you love Jesus, that's all I really care about. Now let's go tell other people we love Jesus.

When I was in South Africa, not once was I asked if I was a calvinist, or a old-earth creationist. Not once.  Why? Because no one cares! All they care about is if you love Jesus. That's it! Nothing else matters. And they are exactly right too. Nothing else really does matter. If you want to come and debate me about calvinism, save your energy. In fact, use that energy to tell lost people about Jesus! 

It seems to me that most christians want to debate other brothers and sisters in Christ about calvinism. And we shouldn't do that. We are called to spread the gospel to the lost, not debate between ourselves. So let's go do it.

Now, don't get me wrong here, for young christians, it's very important to get your theology straight and there is nothing wrong with asking questions, but if your looking for a debate, look somewhere else.

Maybe I'm wrong with this whole idea, but I'm just sick of debating people about it.

I just wanna love Jesus and tell others about Him.


  1. You're starting to freak me out. lol I literally JUST had this discussion. I feel like there are way more important issues than the Calvin vs. Armenian debate. Focusing on it only creates a divide in the church and a gain in ground for the enemy. Its not about who is "right" - it is about sharing Christ with a world who needs Him badly.

  2. that discussion was with ME!!! watch this. this realllllllllly speaks to me :)
